Out-of-home advertising
Capturing people’s attention with out-of-home advertising
Out-of-home advertising will boost your brand’s profile
Out-of-home advertising, also known as outdoor advertising, promotes your brand in the public arena. It comprises numerous formats, including classic poster campaigns and advertising on vehicles and digital screens.
Among the advantages of out-of-home advertising are its high reach and visibility (especially in metropolitan regions), as well as its relatively low production and implementation costs.
OHH: three little letters
with a big impact
pilot’s media and creation experts will collaborate to ensure that your out-of-home advertising stands out from the crowd, for instance by incorporating strong location-specific motifs into your displays or poster campaign to heighten their relevance.
Boost your brand’s visibility through classic or innovative OOH solutions.
Digital screen concepts for
the point of sale
pilot Screentime – our unit specialising in digital OOH, smart TV, and screen communication for the point of sale (POS) and point of interest (POI), renders your concepts specifically for digital display surfaces.
Taking into account your criteria and target groups, it develops attention-grabbing ways of presenting your brand message and products or services on digital screens, creating new communication scope for your brand at the POS and POI.